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Museum Of Lost Things 


Develop a unique identity for the museum that reflects its mission and exhibits. This identity should include branding elements such as a logo, colour scheme, and messaging that resonate with the museum's audience and enhance its overall presence.

University Project 


The solution involves creating a museum identity inspired by the story of a family featured in a puzzle and story book, with a theme centered around the Great Western Railway (GWR).

All Characters Instagram.png


The development of this project involved experimenting with various typefaces and producing multiple logo concepts to identify the most effective design.

Museum Of Lost Things Typeface V2.jpg
Museum Of Lost Things V4.jpg
Museum Of Lost Things V5.jpg
Museum Of Lost Things Typeface V1.jpg


The brand identity was applied across several materials, including a puzzle book, poster, and screen-printed tote bag. Each application prominently features the brand’s colour palette, logo, and illustrations, ensuring a recognizable visual representation of the museum's theme.

Preset Brief Insta Carousel.png
Preset Brief Insta Carousel2.png
Preset Brief Insta Carousel3.png
Preset Brief Insta Carousel4.png
Preset Brief Insta Carousel5.png
Preset Brief Insta Carousel6.png


The outcome of this project was a promotional poster for the museum and a screen-printed tote bag designed to store the puzzle book, which is available for purchase in the museum's gift shop. Both items feature the museum's brand identity, including its colour palette, logo, and illustrations, creating a unified and appealing merchandising experience.

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