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Develop a brand identity for transforming a personal hobby into a marketable and recognizable brand. The brand should reflect the passion, uniqueness, and authenticity of the hobby while appealing to a target audience.

University Project 


In response to the brief, I decided to create a skateboard brand. I designed a logo with typography inspired by the dynamic movements of skateboard tricks. This approach captures the essence of skateboarding, creating a visually compelling and memorable brand identity that resonates with enthusiasts and stands out in the market.



The development of the typeface for the skateboard brand involved capturing the dynamic movements of skateboard tricks. I used Adobe Fresco to draw up experimental sketches, allowing me to explore how each trick could be translated into letterforms.

Skate Typographic Experiment S2.JPG
Skate Typographic Experiment A.JPG
Skate Typographic Experiment S1.JPG


I applied the dynamic typeface to various channels to ensure the merchandise was relevant to the skateboarding culture. This included designing a skateboarding t-shirt, skateboard stickers, and a promotional poster.

Skate Poster Mockup.png
Skateboard Sticker Mockup.png


The outcome of this branding effort included conducting a skateboarding photoshoot to showcase the t-shirts I hand screen-printed to promote the brand. I captured dynamic shots of skateboarders wearing the t-shirts in action, highlighting the movement-inspired typography. Using Photoshop, I edited these images to enhance colours, adjust lighting, and ensure the logo stood out prominently. The edited photos were then used across various promotional materials and social media platforms, effectively communicating the brand's identity and appeal to the skateboarding community.

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